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Jackpot Tips- Jackpot Jackpot Equity & Commodity Calls | | Best Jackpot Future Tips Provider

Jackpot Call – Best Jackpot Tips Provider

This is our Flagship product wherein we provide intraday as well as positional call in Equity and Commodity for long targets and holding purpose. Special emphasis is given on the Risk to Reward ratio. Clients are able to make huge gains with very small risk on the callMost favorite package of HNI’s who has capital above 5 lacs& Want To Earn minimum 2-5Lacs per Month Assuredly.A complete strategy along with Targets & SL much before time so as to make sure that you execute trade perfectly for Maximum Profits.

What you Get

  • A dedicated research analyst will be assigned to you for full-time support.
  • A special team will be providing a recommendation with bigger targets to ensure maximum returns.
  • Customized service pack- Jackpot Equity, Jackpot Commodity.
  • Special Jackpot calls based on the technical and fundamental analysis.
  • Call Patterns will be decided by clients as per their trading platform.
  • Telephonic support from 9:00 AM to 11:55 PM by the research team.
  • Full support regarding entry and exit on every call.
  • Domestic & World Market overview.
  • Instant Query resolution

Medium Of Calls

  • Calls Will Be Given Only On SMS & Chat Room.
  • India: All GSM & CDMA Networks Covered.

Sample Of Calls

  • JACKPOT CALL: BUY GOLD 29000 TG-29300/29600 SL-28750
